You've just inadvertently stated the problem, but the defund movement isn't responsible for the underpaid police. Teachers use GoFundMe to get supplies for their students, yet our government funds the police and criminal justice system more than education, and not just a little bit more, millions more. If police are making $36,000 a year yet receiving more funding than any other public service, that's our government's fault.
Police are stuck with cleaning up the mess our government's non-existent public spending and economic policies have caused. The police officers should be angry for the low-pay and increasing workload, and everyone should be furious with our government's incompetent governing.
When we stop blaming each other for everything wrong in our society and start demanding our government work for every single one of us, we might get somewhere. Fighting with each other is never going to get us anywhere. Our government created this mess and their job is to improve our lives, but we haven't had a government for the people in a long time. Maybe it's time to bail the people out and not the corporations.