You're well aware we were already doomed by the late 20th century, but we actively tried to minimize harm until our government insisted terror was our most imminent threat.
The (dis)information age and access to the internet told us what to care about and to express ourselves via meaningless, shallow virtue signaling. We became passive, apathetic bystanders, too overwhelmed and afraid to think for ourselves.
The American university students' articulate statements and protest strategies display our humanity is all we have. They know our government's violent history of suppressing activism, climate change's certain destruction of civilization, and that there is no hope. Yet, they refuse to allow collapse to take their humanity.
We can't stop the end of the world, but we can choose how to react during collapse. Your Fuck'em up Friday essay captures the moment perfectly. Let's go down with our innate humanitarian values in a blaze of glory - fuck'em up everyday for the rest of our lives!