You're correct in so many ways, and I understand your point. The economy doesn't make any sense anymore because it's completely manipulated and no one tells us any facts! Econ is supposed to be a social science, but it's become "tell me what I want to hear" and "make it rain" for the rich.
However, everything is batshit right now. Someone (Twitter?) phrased it perfectly, "we went from no one wants to work" to "we need fewer people working." During the global economic shutdown, I lost my marbles over the stock market. How and why was it reaching all-time highs when productivity was, um close to nil? Such a scam! Corporations and Wall Street have a direct line of credit (sorta speak) to the Fed. Must be nice!
What makes me so angry is the government will suck every dime out of us in the name of the deficit, while handing billions to big businesses. We get austerity, they get bonuses, and I want to tear the whole thing down.
There's some crazy shit going on right now, and it's anyone's guess wtf is happening. Europe killed its economy (or Russia's attack forced them to kill it - however you want to look at it), and the US is intentionally killing American workers and making it harder for foreign countries to pay the debt.
Anyway, I don't know what the US' goals are, but I don't doubt there's some crafty strategy going on. Whether shit backfired and it's running an end game or there's reason to the madness - I don't know.
Maybe, the US thinks bankruptcy will force nations into depending more on the World Bank, IMF, etc. or it's trying to kill China's economy and doesn't care what gets damaged along the way, but you're right. Things are quickly changing, and I agree with you. Nations are turning away from the USD and the global banking system that controls them.
It's a bit scary because no one likes to give up power. I mentioned to a co-worker that the US is like a bf/gf who knows the relationship is over yet acts like a crazy person holding onto anything to keep it going. It's not a good look - I've been there. Ha.
The US burned so many bridges, and it'll accept the singed remains or force a rebuild, but either way, it's not going to be pretty.
Stay in Hawaii because this is going to be an ugly divorce or dispute, but probably divorce - I don't know if I assumed you're in Hawaii or if I read that, but if you want to move back to the Caribbean, I know a great place in Panama. Ha. Latin American is on the forefront of creating a more just world, and that's the good news! xo