Young people who were babies or born after 9/11 read and shared Laden's letter on TikTok. They didn't know it existed, and schools undoubtedly peddled 9/11 patriotic rhetoric, but young people query US policies and claims more than older generations.
OBL insisted he wasn't behind 9/11 (imposters claimed responsibility) but listed reasons why organizations/nations would attack the US. Palestine was an example of the West's disregard for Arabs, not the reason for the assault.
Bush and his administration made accusations without evidence or investigations. Do you remember the perfectly intact passports that appeared at the crash sites? The World Trade Center crumbled and exploded, yet the highjackers' passports emerged from the rubble within a few days.
It's possible the highjackers boarded domestic flights with their passports in their back pockets, and the documents survived the impact, surfacing from the wreckage unscathed. Or, we have no idea who was behind 9/11 because our government planted evidence to capitalize off a crisis.
Intelligence released reports following a recent court case exposing Saudi involvement, but there is so much we still don't know. The West committed countless atrocities throughout the world in the 20th century, and Palestine is an example of the mistreatment of Arabs, but the West, especially the US, created numerous enemies. It could have been anyone.
And for the love of Coca-Cola and hot dogs. China did not destabilize Western Asia/Middle East yet condemned violent Chinese citizens to deprogram camps/schools instead of bombing the shit out of them. China's deprogramming strategy didn't include a massacre and displacement of millions.