You poor dear. I'm twenty years older than you, and you've got a lot more anger coming your way, but don't give up.
Unfortunately, our government began supporting free-market, corporate-monopoly hell, and slowly, then quickly assisted profits by eliminating the social policies hindering gains. Reagan really kicked it off, but then Bill Clinton followed suit, and every president since has supported the growth of big businesses at the public's expense. The nail in the coffin for many Americans was when Obama bailed out the banks instead of providing support for homeowners and the unemployed.
People believe the Republicans are the only corrupt party, but both parties uphold an economic agenda that negatively impacts most people. The Democrats talk about introducing public policies, and sometimes they pass bills, but they're always watered down, and there's always a business that benefits more than the public.
The checks and balances protecting the public faded into the abyss or never really existed. We still have extreme poverty and income inequality, and they're only getting worse. We need a new system or complete reform, but centralized wealth, centralized power, and the wealthy minority intend to keep things the way they are.
Our government isn't lazy - they're busy protecting capital, and very few represent the people. We need to focus on local government and collaboration to create change, and it can be done, but we have to work together.