People Committees are the purest form of democracy, yet Western politicians and their media claimed Libyans detested the forced conferences and criticized Gaddafi for not attending.
The bullshit propaganda to free Libyans from a Hitlerian tyrant never made sense, but wars to liberate people are oxymorons even if leaders aren't democratic.
Wikileaks exposed NATO's genuine intentions, and democracy wasn't one of them. Western Africa's coups and ousting of France are the definition of blowback, but the hegemons don't evaluate their brutal legacies.
The West's greed and ego ended their global reign, and they'll blame anyone but themselves. Furthermore, caring leaders don't say; we came, we saw, he died and wage destabilizing wars.
The West/NATO destroyed countless lives for generations, and Libya is one of the worst atrocities. Yet, the sadness doesn't weigh them down because Western politicians don't perceive anyone but the ruling-class elites as human.