Woah. I did not intend to make you angry. My general statement about the beauty of science is the process of elimination, was not a personal attack on you. I'm not really sure what you're expecting of me, and why you've jumped to these conclusions about me.
I trust my friend who's a virologist and other infectious disease experts. I know how to decipher BS from legit information. The politicians aren't people I trust, but the health officials who took the lead in Melbourne have led us to zero community transmission. Of course, our borders being shut to everyone but Kiwis and returning Australians, as well as geography, aid us.
Aerosols are the main source of spread. This is well-known. Is the media in other countries stating something else? I didn't know this was an argument and thought it had been confirmed.
Politicians definitely lied to the public, but did scientists? I don't know. I'm wondering if perhaps the limited information known about the novel virus prompted a blanket response when it first came about, and yes I'll wait on the reports from an array of sources because I am not an expert in infectious diseases. It would be extremely arrogant to state I know more than the people who have dedicated their lives to studying them.
I was in business school in 2006 and wrote a research paper on the housing market bubble. It's unfortunate I lost this research when my computer died, and if I knew the crash was coming, there's no way the financial sector and the government didn't know. I am confident in economics because I dedicate myself to it and it is my area of expertise, but even then, I don't know everything about it. I'm still learning all the time.
I honestly don't know what we're arguing about... I think you want me to trust you? This discussion started because I stated deforestation and climate change lead to more infectious diseases and health hazards. If you disagree, that's fine. I'm not going to argue with you. I provided you information on Melbourne because it's extremely interesting, and Singapore and many Asian nations have had the same response.
If you think I'm naive, stupid, incapable, what does that matter to me? This is your opinion and that's fine. I didn't intend to elicit an emotional response from you.