What if the US government declared Delaware a spaghetti-monster ethno-state that only accepted citizens who spoke Esperanto and believed in the spaghetti-monster political system, constitution, and culture, but your non-Esperanto speaking and non-spaghetti-monster believing family lived in the region for multiple generations?
The spaghetti-monster ethno-state won't allow non-believers to participate in elections or influence the nation because this would interfere with its objectives. Yet, you should joyfully give up your sovereignty because Europeans massacred a population yet won't offer repatriations or land on their continent and North America capped immigration. Sorry, but move over and out.
The country is your home, culture, language, and identity, but it no longer exists. You're a second class citizen even if you adopt the language and culture because you aren't a genuine spaghetti-monster, and they will never accept you.
However, they created reservations and refugee camps for your community and kindly provide basic needs like water and electricity for a few hours a day. Be thankful for what you get!