We’ve never truly had free market capitalism. The government has had to intervene numerous times to support corporations, but not the people. That’s the problem, the trickle down economics we’ve been forced into. This supports the neoliberalist agenda and I can provide some articles if you’d like.
The environment is not destroyed by the local people; the field of political ecology addresses the power imbalances the political economy and corporations wield when exploiting natural resources. Population growth in developing nations is also not the issue, it’s the poor distribution of food and resources, and disproportionate consumption by the wealthy.
Technology and farming advancements have enabled genetically modifying foods and increased supply, yet we waste more food than ever before because of the poor distribution. Capitalism hasn’t kept billions of people from starving, it’s responsible for people starving as it’s unaffordable for many.
I don’t have all the answers, but when I look around, I don’t see a world of happiness. Everything is broken; the economy, community, environment, and most of us are so severely depressed from participating in a system rewarding materials instead of anything of true value.
I just believe there’s got to be a better way and I’m willing to try.