Well, we're deaf and blind.
I was 23 and living in Argentina when a victim taught me about US history, and I'm not sure who was more horrified. She was shocked that we didn't learn about the US-backed coup and military dictatorship in school, and at that point, I had never heard a negative thing about the US.
We don't know anything about the world.
When the US deems a Latin American president that was democratically voted into power a dictator, I know it's a lie, but most Americans have no clue. We don't bother to learn about a country's history or understand the people's perspective, yet we watch the news and we're experts.
We are the most propagandized nation, so I try to be understanding, but now, it's so god damn blatant. I've never seen this much propaganda and thought control, and the facts are everywhere, but it doesn't matter. We're too emotional to think logically, attacking anyone who disturbs our self-righteousness, and no one thinks their reaction is bizarre.
I wish people would stfu and take a moment to learn about the various sides of the story before saying or writing a word. I realize the US still cares about public opinion because it's invested a lot of effort into lying to us. If we were educated, we might actually defend human rights and democracy, and that's what gets to me. It's so incredibly sad.