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Violent Crackdowns Don’t Intimidate The Mass School Shooting Generation
Freedom of speech and the right to assemble to express your views are legal but not allowed and violently subdued.
State violence is the quickest, most effective method to radicalize a population, and Gen Z has tolerated a lifetime of government brutality. They were the first generation to learn active school shooting drills to survive mass gun massacres because our nation won’t restrict weapon profits. Gen Z has never experienced a functional democracy representing the public’s interests and relies on itself because adults don’t protect their young.
There are no climate change mitigation or adaptation strategies other than encouraging the public to consume greener products, and our government has intensified instead of lessened emissions. The US military is one of the most significant polluters, engaging in destructive environmental and humanitarian wars for more than twenty consecutive years — most of Gen Z’s life.
Twenty-five percent of Gen Zs between twelve and twenty-seven years old lived in poverty, and seventeen percent did not have healthcare coverage in 2022. They withhold rent or mortgage to pay medical bills or rely on their parents for financial support, and 68% of those who have health…