UGH. It's criminal jobs were outsourced so corporate owners could exploit cheaper labor and ditch skilled trades in manufacturing. The RNC and DNC have done nothing to support anyone who isn't in their realm of power and wealth. Whilst the DNC completely ignore this cohort, the RNC acts like they're doing something, but I haven't seen anything helpful. I am so tired of it.
On top of less available jobs, there's this cultural idea if you're poor, it's your fault. It's causing extreme inequalities, competition against one another, and divisions within society. There aren't enough jobs because tech and outsourcing have replaced them. Whilst corporations become wealthier via efficiencies, they aren't creating new jobs. They're isn't a 'trickle down', we are cannibalizing each other instead of uniting to yell at our government to do their job and work for the people.
I am so angry. Ha. When times are hopeless, of course we're going to rely on drugs and our mental health will take a nose dive. We've seen this time and time again yet ignore it.