Trump's antiwar rhetoric confused me, but then I realized he (well, the intelligent cohort that backs him) researches (like a business strategy to determine consumers) public opinion to gain followers. I assume he plans to campaign on the billions Biden spent on the war while living standards decline to appeal to struggling families.
Pro-war liberals/democrats tend to be college educated (LOL) and less financially insecure, so the rising costs of food, energy, and accommodation aren't impacting them as harshly as other Americans, which creates divisions. Fascism or populism breeds in this environment, and the US is producing both, simultaneously.
The nationalist democrats foster fascist behavior, yet perceive themselves as liberators, while Trumpists are populists with the potential of becoming fascists domestically.
We have a serious problem when suggesting peace is considered "extreme" and seditious, and the propaganda is global.
Friends in the UK/Europe, Australia, Latin America, and the US notice their media's anti-China and Russia propaganda, but the campaign is powerful. Not everyone sees through the BS, but no one is motivated to enlist in deadly fight, and this might keep us from a full-scale world war.
However, it seems Western elites and governments intend to garner public support by attacking China or Russia to provoke retaliation, which may create an appetite for war. We're so close to the ledge.