Totally agree. The US government has to spend the money on public infrastructure for this to properly work. At the moment they're creating and throwing money at corporations and this is the cause to our major issues (in my opinion).
The reason why I know the US can create a lot more money is because it has been since WWII. They had to leave the gold standard to finance the war. The current inflation rate in the US is at 1.3% and it's more likely we'll suffer deflation with the loss of employment, but if the US government embraced policies like job guarantee, investing in social services, etc., more people would be working and contributing. This directly lowers inflation through tax paid, but taxes could be lowered via more taxpayers.
I just completed research on inequalities and consumption. The more wealth equality in a society, the less consumption. There a few theories as to why more unequal societies waste and consume more goods, but one theory I lean towards is the US cultural norm of flaunting goods as a show of success, yet in a more equal society the value placed on materials decreases. It's fascinating how the human brain works, and the data on consumption and inequalities is driving environmentalist to address inequalities as a method for sustainability.
There's never going to be a system pleasing everyone, but right now Americans need financial support.