This article was in my saved reading and glad I finally read it. I'm an American living in Australia and it wasn't until I moved here I understood the ridiculous US tax system. It drives me crazy the US doesn't add tax to the price of goods on the shelf, and the total price of an item isn't known until you're in the checkout line.
I've also noticed Americans don't understand the difference between State and Federal budgets, and haven't a clue how the taxes are spent. While many scream out against socialism, they love public schools, police, fire, parklands, etc. Most people have the lowest awareness of the US' economic framework. It's absurd.
I'm almost finished writing a piece on the US budget and financial reports. I read the last five budgets and my eyeballs almost fell out. Ugh. If it weren't for boredom and curiosity, I wouldn't have ever read the US budget, but I think I understand why it's so confusing for people. The government treats social programs for taxpayers, like they're a waste of money, and this "trickles down" into the public mindset.
I appreciate you seeing the tax issue in the US and writing about it.