The world is spinning off its axis, but remember, most of the world is against the US war machine, and plenty of Americans know the truth. Unfortunately, the pro-imperialism and war Americans are the loudest.
Obama fooled me. I thought he meant it when he promised hope and change, but we got more of the same and lost our livelihoods to Wall Street. While Honduras, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and too many countries lost their lives to US interventions.
The Democrat majority Congress and Obama, the narcissist, could have ended the trickle-to-nowhere economics, the wars, imperialism, and the hell. Yet, they upped the ante, confirming corruption rotted the entire system.
Unless the US self-destructs and the public peacefully takes power, a revolution is the only way out, and we might not even win. It's terrifying, and no one wants violence, but voting and protests get us nowhere. Ugh. xo