The Washington Post always has an inside source and they're the first to quote a CIA agent, but like I said, I don't know too much about it. However, ex-CIA write for the Post, and the Church Committee and numerous whistleblowers exposed unethical journalism within the MSM.
The Washington Post also had an article about Bezos and the CIA, but the CP links lead to sources.
I don't trust the billionaires who own the media because they aren't interested in informing the public and I don't watch TV. I read books and official statements, and take a reflexive approach because everyone, including me is biased.
No one is questioning your intelligence or capabilities. There's no need to state your qualifications because I'm not out to get you. In the grand scheme of things, our opinions don't matter because there's nothing we can do to change the situation. However, I wish there was a large anti-nuclear amrs protest because this shit is scary.