The obnoxious PMC are everywhere, and I hope they disappear soon. The university-educated snobs learned to copy and paste information but never learned how to think. They are the most delusional, and there's no reasoning with people who insist they know everything.
The PMC supports marginalized cohorts when it improves their socioeconomic status and ignores poverty, racism, and classism when they don't offer advantages. Yet, they don't promote solidarity movements or a platform for underrepresented voices. The PMC protests via social media and uses its social standing to manage and influence society.
They will never advocate for poor white people because the dumb racists are responsible for our broken society. They should have gained new skills when free trade agreements outsourced manufacturing and adored Obama even though he chose Wall Street over the public.
The right-wing PMC is just as bad as the liberals. They use social issues to benefit themselves and gain superiority over others. They are the worst class.