The motivation for this essay derived from that asinine question. The US is the only UN Security Council Member that vetoes resolutions because the Biden Admin chose that option.
Even George H.W. Bush pressured Israel to end the conflict by threatening to withhold finance. It's mindboggling that two Republican presidents who weren't saints condemned and constrained Israeli violence against Palestinians.
American-made weapons are killing Palestinians, and our government increased Israeli military aid while sending a fleet to patrol the area. Ugh. The real kick in the face is every administration since Truman has donated millions to Israel annually, and the total sum since WWII is staggering. Every American could have been housed, fed, and healthy, and there'd still be funds to diminish global poverty.
The US legacy is war, and I wonder if the people who insinuate Biden doesn't have an option also brag that the US is the most powerful nation in the world.