The mainstream narrative telling me that me eyes are lying to me make me feel insane. Biden's boasting the key to a long, healthy marriage is great sex as if he's still a robust, sexually active man.
Democrats and the liberal media rallied around Biden, scolding and shaming everyone who warned the public of his decline until they could not spin the disastrous debate. They knew his cognitive state was dire and that he isn't capable of presiding over the nation now, let alone the next four years but hoped a large dose of Adderall would get him through the night.
The corporate media are Democrat donors' mouthpiece, and they're shifting gear and hitting the pedal to escape the falling dominoes. The volatile insanity twisted my brain into considering a covert state-backed attack may be the only trick left in the bag to regain public support. I'm unsure if I've lost my mind or this is a rational thought.
I wondered if I'd witness the US' downfall in my lifetime because I did not expect it to fall quickly, but the pilots jumped ship and the Empire is nose diving at full speed.
Imagine four years from today - actually, don't. I'm going to walk my dogs and sing happy songs. Bye.