The Left has been in disarray since the Cold War, and while an individual can't change the political system, a collective movement can. Michael is among the few actively advocating and participating in social movements, and not by virtue signaling via social media.
Candidates must win our votes, and voters aren't irresponsible for electing a representative who offers beneficial social policies instead of individual gains.
Harris wasn't democratically elected in a primary, and Democrats knew Biden's health had deteriorated within the last few years. We didn't choose her as the nominee, and Democrat voters who demand alignment with their choice should stop scolding others and engage in activism to encourage votes.
She was the Californian Attorney General, and every Californian who remembers her aggressive lock-them-up policies will struggle to justify voting for her. The Democrats are irresponsible and should have promoted a popular candidate if a fascist leader threatens the nation.
Genuine leftists (not the center-right Democrats posing as leftists) should unite the public, not criticize people for voting for a politician who intends to confront imperialism, austerity, and the war machine.
Build solidarity and movement, not more divisions.