The Global North (US, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and others) devalue resource-rich countries' (the Global South) labor and natural resources through colonization, free trade, power imbalances, illegal sanctions, threats, price and currency controls, interest rates, and political and economic destabilization. Yet, it's the Global South's fault - can you explain your rationale?
The US and Europe impose tariffs and subsidies yet force resource-rich countries to remove protections. US interest rates influence global currencies, increasing foreign nation's import costs and decreasing export prices. The Global South pays more for less and vice versa for the US, enabling excess consumption for Americans who have a disposable income (the Global North is responsible for 92% of carbon dioxide emissions in excess of the planetary boundary).
We're stealing their resources and killing them (ourselves too, but at a slower rate) to enrich billionaires, yet this is great because we buy avocados for $2.50 instead of $3.50. Our morals may not align, but you would seek an alternative financial system if you were enduring mass exploitation and environmental degradation. However, I think you misunderstood my initial sentence because the average person isn't a cruel psychopath.