Thanks for your insight. My sister was stationed in South Korea where she and numerous personnel got a rare form of brain cancer. Koreans have been protesting against the US military base's environmental devastation, crime, noise, and presence for decades, and cancer rates around the base are higher than in other regions.
Demonstrations in Okinawa protest for the same reasons as Koreans. Africans also demand the US military leave, and Europeans regularly march against NATO's presence. Germans urged their government to remove nuclear weapons, and the German parliament voted in favor of their request in 2013, but the US refused.
Filipinos are protesting the US military's recent expansion, and Australians aren't thrilled about the increase in exercises in their country, while numerous Taiwanese demand de-escalation.
These nations' governments and corporations benefit from US hegemony, and not every citizen detests a foreign country's presence, but many do. US military bases generate domestic issues and cost American taxpayers billions to maintain.
I also looked into the economic and financial rewards for a few bases, and these benefits serve a small minority and US defense contractors.
Drone warfare is beyond disturbing, and we should be very concerned. Not only do they kill countless innocent people, suicide rates among drone operators are exceptionally high. Killing people from the comfort of your home or office isn't a solution, but no one cares as long as American solders aren't dying, Crazy.