Sorry, I was a bit busy and couldn't properly reply. If we were to reposition the economy to focus on people, we'd still have economic markets and a currency. Currently, our government funds the markets to uphold them, but they aren't benefitting the masses.
When our government subsidized the financial sector in 2008, it didn't stop people from losing their homes, and it defied capitalism entirely. We bailed out the financial sector and we should own it. Public funds used to support private businesses ripped us off - the financial sector should have been nationalized.
Our government supports 'the economy', but we aren't considered the economy. Instead, our government invests in capitalists and their economy. This isn't free market capitalism or capitalism. It's corporate socialism.
Imagine if our governments provided us with the tools for success. Small business owners and entrepreneurs would flourish, people would engage in academics and jobs of their interest, and overall, society would benefit. Unfortunately, wealth has been centralized for decades, and we forgot what a bottom-up approach looks like. The system we're currently using has only been around since the 70s or so, but we've forgotten there's another way.