Plenty of nations evicted US military from their countries. France kicked NATO out in the 60s, and the EU attempted to oust NATO from Europe in the 90s, but countries with less political and economic influence don't have a choice. Cuba wants the US out of Guantánamo Bay, and plenty of Africans do not welcome AFRICOM, but who's going to force the big beast out?
Some governments offer free-rent because the US promises economic development, but there isn't any data to support the claim. The initial construction boosts short-term gains, yet provides insignificant long-term returns because private American businesses operate the facilities within the compounds. Unfortunately, asking the military to pack up and leave is quite difficult.
Globally, and especially in the global south, the military sustains US imperialism, and anti-American protests erupt worldwide. While capitalist governments and the wealthy class appreciate armed forces, working class revolts encounter conflicts with right-wing funded militias.
You've stated the powerful and wealthy narrative, but they aren't the majority, and although you don't believe US occupation in foreign nations is aggressive, there are plenty of people who do. How would Americans feel about a foreign army's mega complex in their neighborhoods? The defund the police movement implies communities prefer investment in social services - not a military to protect capital.