Please don't rub Ted Cruz's feet. They're probably sweaty and stinky, and you don't deserve that horror.
I agree Biden's speech was disgraceful. Someone must have told him to act strong and tough to conceal his frail, decrepit, decomposing brain.
The Democrats who applauded Biden's (Trump's) totalitarian border policies demonstrated the political party's shift to the right. Obama expressed compassion for refugees and immigrants while covertly deporting countless people, but the Democrats don't hold back now.
I'm not voting in this election because neither candidate appeals to me, and it's their job to gain our votes. The US should implode if our democratic structures can't withstand another four years of a buffoon. Is our political system so weak that anyone can transform the nation into a fascist state? Maybe, it is, and that's what we should focus on.
We should assess Trump's rise to power instead of casting shallow comments about his base. Our government has repeatedly failed to govern for the people. It disregarded the public and catered to donors, leaving the nation in a dire state. There aren't enough jobs offering a livable wage, and homelessness and poverty accelerates regardless of the political party in power.
No politician has a solution or even regards the exponential poverty growth, yet Congress focuses on TikTok to protect younger generations from information sources they don't control. What a joke.