Perhaps, the men who flew planes into the World Trade Center, killing and destroying countless lives, were looking for love too. These young, naïve boys didn't know who they were involved with and didn't intend to hurt anyone. The victims' families should forgive them for their silly lovestruck ways.
Psyche! Young, attractive girls are foolish and naïve, not boys! They don't look for love in all the wrong places like this misled, helpless lass who knowingly or unknowingly killed someone and injured dozens.
This wasn't the first terrorist attack, but who cares about the victims or the sheer terror Russians endure? We should feel bad for Dasha! She's a silly girl who blew people up in a public cafe because she was too innocent to ask the big, bad men what she was carrying or why.
Ugh. This is so condescending and sexist, and it's not even the worst of it. Maybe she was a patsy, and that's tragic, but a bomb went off in a cafe, killing and injuring innocent people. Yet, we must feel sympathy for Dasha because she was desperate for love.
Should we also feel delighted that her lover didn't kill her and disregard who was behind the attack?
What world am I living in?