Other countries are imperialist, especially Western Europe, but I referred to a statement in the essay and comments. Still, Americans disregard US imperialism and care more about foreign nations' (aside from Europe) affairs, which I find hypocritical and bizarre. We protest other countries' international policies, yet we don't say much about our government's interventions.
I'd understand if we detested every war and intervention instead of defending our birth country and scrutinizing others. Nationalism doesn't make sense because it's contrived, and I don't think my birthplace makes me superior.
Take a deep breath and a moment to calm your emotions so we can understand different perspectives.
Ok. Perhaps Russia's invasion is an imperialist endeavor, but we don't know its intentions yet. However, the regions Russia annexed claimed independence from Ukraine after 2014 and the violence that followed, which led to Minsk. Unfortunately, the conflict continued despite the agreement, and Crimea decided via a referendum to succeed from Ukraine and return to Russia.
Please note; none of this is my opinion, and you can search for Minsk, Crimea's attitude toward the change, and Eastern Ukraine's conflict via Western reports.
There are numerous theories explaining Russia's catastrophic war, but we must acknowledge the media and governments' biases. I don't believe the US government cares about Ukrainian democracy because it doesn't care about Americans or anyone, but that doesn't mean Russia is the "good guy."
The regions under Russian control may disagree or agree with the occupation, but we don't know what they want because a trusted official didn't (or, as far as I know, hasn't) review the situation.
You may disagree with a region declaring independence from its government/nation, but it's the people's choice. However, our opinions are irrelevant because it's not our decision.
I'll respectfully listen to your explanations of Russia's imperialism, but we must agree on the definition of imperialism. I perceive it as an intervention to gain economic control and power, and this may be the case in the Donbas if it didn't request Russia to intervene on its behalf, which it repeatedly did because the UN didn't step in. However, you may know why the UN ignored its pleas and insist it never asked for Russia's assistance.