Oh, man. This is a long story, but here's a brief summary.
During the Cold War, the US overthrew every nation that elected socialist leaders, but it wasn't because socialism is scary. When governments nationalize natural resources, it denies profits for foreign companies/governments because democratic socialist countries reinvest the money into the public.
For example, the Cuban sanctions aren't because Cuba is dangerous; Cuba won't allow foreigners ownership of resources and the citizens own them. This economic ideology is a democracy, and it scares the crap out of the wealthy bastards who lobby our government because the distribution of wealth doesn't make billionaires.
In the same regard, Russia and China threaten US hegemony (even though they're capitalist nations). The EU has been getting closer with Russia - Germany especially, and like the Middle East, the US wants to keep every country in its orbit.
Hence NATO expansion (also weapons and military are profitable), and Eastern Europe's relationship with Russia threatens US unipolarity. The more nations that economically integrate with the US economy, the more powerful. Although Ukraine's economy isn't worth much to the US, turning Ukraine toward the West reduces Russia's reach while increasing dependence on the West.
One very important thing to note is Nord Stream 2 unites Germany and Russia like never before. Provoking a war between Russia and Ukraine severs Russia's relationships with Germany and the world.
It's all for the money and hegemony, but the US just improved Russia and China's relationship, so I don't know what's going to happen.
Oh, and Russian sanctions over the last decades denied many Eastern European countries from buying from Russia and forced them to buy from the West. They forced dependency on the West while cornering Russia. It's crazy.