Oh, Jane. I feel for you and your daughter. Ugh. I've been bullied. I wondered what I had done to make the manager dislike me so much. After I left, I realized my manager was an insecure, f*cked up person, and I didn't do anything wrong, but I blamed myself for years, and that was the only mistake I made.
I sued the organization, and instead of asking for money, I requested upper management attend workplace bullying courses and send a written apology to every employee. I also asked the CEO (who I complained to for 6 months) to envision herself as an employee and write a self-reflection essay on her management style.
I kept every single complaint I sent to management, so I won the case within 15 minutes, but management refused to comply with my demands. They offered me $10,000 to stay quiet (it was a peak body in child and family welfare and they feared I'd contact the media; ironic).
I wanted to make a difference, but toxic workplaces are the norm. The best we can do is to not let this cruel world break us and to speak out against this shit no matter what. Ugh. I hope she knows it isn't her fault and she's done nothing wrong. We live in a world where the biggest bully wins, but most of us are good. xo