Oh, God. Americans can't understand Putin just ended US unipolarity, and the US will have to acknowledge other countries have a say. In that sense, Putin did win, and we're too intertwined economically to do anything about it, but we designed this.
The US used Ukraine to spread its influence, and Russia just said, NOPE. No one wants to recognize US diplomats have been meddling in Ukraine for over a decade, and if they do realize this, they claim the US has the right to be there. Well, guess what? We live in a world with other nations, and we've forced everyone to shut up and take what we give them.
Our oppressive global domination has consequences, and Ukraine is the victim in the dispute between the West and East. The US did not use its power and influence to protect Ukraine, and still won't meet with Russia to work towards peace. What a sad, sad world. xo