My high-energy, ADHD, neurotic personality found virtual reality helped to calm my racing thoughts and allow me to chill the f out via becoming fixated on nature scenes. I struggle with being calm and focusing on anything for too long (how anyone can keep up with the amount of information shoved in our face everyday I'll never understand).
I think most people use escapism in various unhealthy forms; drinking and drugs. With the high demands of our lifestyles, it can be difficult to give our brains a break. While some people have built meditation, yoga, and time for themselves in their daily routine, others aren't so good at self-care, but creating an entire world with characters via VR frightens me. I wonder how different it is from video games though... I can only advocate the effects of immersing myself in a VR nature scene like forests, rivers, etc.
I agree it's a slippery slope to create a whole other world. The potential for confusing reality with a virtual reality, scares me, and I think I'd lose my mind, but who knows. Our brains/thought process varies, but I don't think creating another world is for me... unless it's hanging with wild, rare animals in a jungle. Ha.