Milton Friedman is a fraud and shouldn't be referenced for any economic ideas. He has been refuted by economists for his crony economics, and he was funded by the Koch brothers to introduce their neoliberalist agenda.
Sweden's government decided to invest in the country via their natural resources. The technological companies did not invest in the country, the government did, and who provided the funding for the technology? During the Cold War the most ironic example of US government planning, was its use socialism to fight communism. NASA and educational programs funded by the government. Oh, the irony.
Philip, you're very incorrect about capital equipment replacing labor is beneficial. Well, it is beneficial but not for employment/job seekers. It makes corporate owners more money to replace humans with tech. Look at grocery stores. Innovation has been replacing jobs for decades, that's fantastic for efficiency, but not for labor. There's a lot of industries being automated, and they provide materials quicker, but what happens to the labor working in these areas? The benefits aren't distributed equally.
If you think of society/economy as a funnel, and we're all trying to move through it to gain wealth, some of us will squeeze through whilst others are left behind, and the funnel jams. It's not their fault, it's a poorly structured system. I wish your ideas were correct, and we were moving toward more "luxuries work" (even though office work has many negative consequences and not everyone wants to work in an office), but it simply isn't the case.
I wrote about the history of neoliberalism here: