It's not just the Bronx. In Los Angeles, Nithya beat a Democrat incumbent for LA City Council and there are many more examples. The Senate election in Kentucky had a Progressive running against a Democrat, but the Democrats throw all kinds of money and endorsements at their "kind." They are actively trying to keep the Progressives out of office. In an effort to beat AOC the Democrats had a Dem move to her district, Pelosi endorsed the Dem, threw a ridiculous amount of money at the Dem, and still lost. Sanders was on Fox News a few years ago and won over the viewers as well as the idiot hosts.
I vote for the Democrats because they aren't insane, but I see their flaws as well. The Republican Party has been dying (check out the last time they won the popular vote) yet wields more power than the Democrats. Why?
The Republican Party would have preferred Clinton won in 2016. I voted for her (obvs) but she's a corporate Democrat and these are the Democrats I want out of office. Every one of us should want to rid them.