It's devastating, and I worry violence will increase as living standards decline. Human behavior is irrational yet somewhat predictable, and fascism rears its ugly head when people become hopelessly desperate.
Fascism in the 21st century will manifest differently than in the 20th, but the violence will be similar. Someone must be blamed, and the power structures will protect themselves by creating an enemy.
I'm in my forties, and I've experienced a political, social, and economic decline since the mass protests against free trade in the 90s. Each year is more dire than the last, and climate change intensifies the situation.
Anyway, my point is violence is often a reaction to a threat, and the rampage in Gaza to exterminate radicals only breads more radicalism. Either governments haven't figured this out, or they don't mind kicking the can down the road.
Are humans really the most intelligent species?