It's 2022; the US won the world war and spent 70 years coercing neoliberal policies, military dominance, IMF loans, a global currency, and imperialism to maintain power and wealth. Nations that did not align with the US endured coups, wars, or sanctions. However, countries that accepted American democracy/free markets encountered extreme wealth disparities, impoverishment, and environmental degradation.
The US has violated the UN Charter and doesn't acknowledge the ICC, yet Biden delivered a speech portraying the US as a saint to a room full of UN members who know the US commits crimes against humanity more than any other nation.
A world outside of the US and Europe exists, but we don't notice or care to hear what they have to say. Plus, when we express our opinion we're accused of spreading propaganda to make money because we're so fucking broke from the austerity that everyone assumes we have to do what we can to feed ourselves.
Funny, mass media isn't accused of disseminating propaganda for a buck or two million and upholding the structures that enrich the powerful. I guess comparing Putin to Hitler rekindles the post-WWII American-world-savior nostalgia and erases our deadly past. Maybe we can redo the last 70 years, but this time, I hope we choose a different path.