I'm not even a Bernie fan and waited until after the election to post my feelings about the WHOLE government. If you want to discuss economics, I'm all for it, but I beg of people to look at the whole government as one sad unit. All of them are supposed to be working for us, but instead we're fragmented on "teams" so we don't see the bigger issue. The government (left, right, center, whatever) is broken. Stop using the teams tactic and listening to the rhetoric.
I'd vote for the first party/politician who confirms he/she will put people at the center of their policies and economic planning. I don't care which "team" they are on. Ugh. It's like we can't be angry at the whole government or we're brainwashed because we have to be on a team. I'm not playing teams and I suggest asking questions rather than jumping to conclusions about why people are angry.