If that's what you want to believe, that's the way it will happen, but ignoring the facts won't change the truth. You're speculating, and there isn't any evidence that could possibly back up that claim because no one is inside of Putin's head. That theory is based off someone's fantasy, and to understand the entirety of the situation you'd have to understand Russia's (not the Soviet's) and the US' economic agenda.
Russia is a capitalist country, and trade deals with foreign nations in the Global South inspired the "Soviet era domination" rhetoric. Russia's economic resources are worth billions more than Ukraine, and Putin gains more from trading with the West. He cares about developing Russia's economy, and conquering Ukraine is fruitless, but even if I provide factual evidence, you made up your mind and facts aren't going to change anything.
Why the media isn't reporting NATO, the US, and Russia's negotiations before the invasion makes sense. They also haven't reported on Ukraine's civil war, Crimea's improved conditions under Russia, and the East's preference for a Russian government, but that wouldn't fit the narrative. Everything about Russia has to be wickedly evil.
I know you believe the US hasn't been corrupted by American oligarchs, but it has. We can't even get infrastructure or health care because profits come first. Maintaining US hegemony by consolidating Russia and China's power is the intention. It's the same proxy shit we did during the cold war - killing for US economic hegemony, and China is next.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine lays out everything; including a war with Russia. If nukes don't kill us, a war with China and Russia will require a draft, and young people will endure the cost of our refusal to demand our government end its imperialistic reign. Just because our military is massive, we don't have more rights than other nations. Sticking a military base and invading for resources wherever we want shouldn't disregard the world's ambitions.
This essay provides a thorough background. Understanding all sides to a story never hurt anyone.