I wrote an econ thesis on the US housing market in 2005 and wish I could access it. Obviously there weren't the iClouds, etc. we have today, but there were many many reasons for the housing market crash. Deregulation by Clinton (I think) on the banks facilitated the ability to get away with predatory lending. Look it up! Predatory lending was one of the reasons for the collapse, but not the only reason. There were many causes.
Randomly, I just wrote a piece on discriminatory urban planning's practices throughout the decades and the systemic racism they cause. I agree top-down urban planning is a major issue and part of the many things wrong with our system, but it's been helped along with deregulation.
Since the 1980's we have been following a neoliberalist ideology. Deregulation and globalization have been the path we are on, and it's caused a hyper-capitalist, unsustainable world. The idea the economy can forever grow and expand, is built on a lie. Natural resources cannot be reproduced at our demand, and we aren't using them sustainably.