I wonder about the Israeli causality rate since the ground/tank invasion began. Unconventional (guerilla) warfare tends to slaughter traditional tactics and troops, especially militaries accustomed to technological combat.
The Israeli public must be outraged over the hostages and soldier death toll, which the government undoubtedly understates.
October 7th bought Netanyahu time, but his final day is near, and I don't see how he can delay the inevitable longer than he has. Unfortunately, an abundance of right-wing governments dominate the world, and his backup doesn't offer a hopeful change.
There will be consequences, but how and when they manifest is anyone's guess. The US can't maintain global hegemony forever, and Israel, Japan, South Korea, Australia, NZ, and Western Europe will collapse when the dominoes fall. Hopefully, the world has mercy on us, but its response will depend on the US' reaction to a loss of power, which won't be graceful.
I wish I drank alcohol because escaping existence to live in a fuzzy haze state would be ideal.