I watched it while doing domestic chores but heard most of it. Ha. It seemed as though he had to share the history with American viewers to get something off his chest, but maybe he was swept away.
He is quick-witted, articulate, and direct. It was a pleasure to hear a politician speak frankly and present their version of events. He may have been poking Tucker to assess information for his personal amusement, but he doesn't seem to care about the West's shitshow policies.
Politics don't exist in the US anymore, and the interview may have been my first glimpse at genuine politics. How sad is that? The crap our politicians spew isn't politics, but we no longer demand an authentic political class and debate. The interview treated the viewers like adults, and I'll watch it again because it was wildly different than the BS we get from our government.
Are Russians blunt speakers (as a culture)? I appreciated the straightforward statements and sly digs, but I'm a sicko. Tucker wasn't obnoxious and either had no shame in displaying ignorance or intentionally feigned it to gather info.
I'm embarrassed for the people who refused to watch because they hate Tucker's perspectives. The block, delete, cancel culture enables people to see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and disregard everyone who thinks differently than them. How boring to relentlessly engage with alike thinkers, never developing arguments or diverse thoughts because you live in an echo chamber.