I understand where you're coming from; splitting the Democrats provides the Republicans strength, but standing by a party because it's your team does not improve the lives of Americans. The Democrats have been slow to use social media and platforms to reach an array of Americans while AOC is harnessing these channels like the Republicans do via Fox, Breitbart, etc.
For many, the Democrats are a continuation of the Republican party when it comes to economic policy, and the two party system working for corporate donors needs standout politicians to call them out. If we weren't forced to a two party system and had preferential voting, Progressives, the Tea Party, Greens, etc., wouldn't have to choose a team and could garner their own agenda.
Unfortunately, the two party system requires massively different views to fall under two labels. Both parties need some fire under them as there isn't any pressure to do better because they both stay in power, and globally, the Democrats are viewed as more conservative than leftists.
It's troubling people believe politicians within the same party should always agree with their party. During Nixon's impeachment trial/investigation, Republicans choosing to align with their party would have allowed the corruption. Parties are like gangs and Americans need more choice.