I knew you had a small business, but I didn't know you had to deal with the health insurance scam. The subjunctive statement meant to imply that I think it's a goddamn injustice if, by chance, you had to provide healthcare to staff.
Glad ACA helped, but it's absolute garbage that you had to provide healthcare, and staff received fewer benefits than people working at a large business. Small businesses should receive tax breaks, incentives, and financial support - not the other way around. URGH.
The Kardashians. I proudly admit that I have never watched an episode of that bizarro world.
I don't think Americans are innately more apathetic or uninterested than other cultures, but we are the most capitalistic country I've ever seen (Japan is the second). Everything with the potential for generating profit becomes a market, and everything is marketed to us; distractions are inevitable - especially when every other day there's a huge scandal or drama.
We can't go one day without something explosive, grabbing our attention. It's insane.