I hear you, and I'm glad you're cutting toxic people out of your life because the world has enough toxicity.
I have a few friends who have radically different political views than me, but we have decent conversations and learn from each other. However, my diehard Democrat/Liberal friends who have been given homes, inheritance, support, and relentless encouragement from their parents are insufferable elitists.
For example, a friend stated he supports Western governments' interventions in the Global South because they have enriched us. Coups and wars that kill people of color are acceptable because he benefits. He considers himself a liberal, but I consider him a white supremacist.
Their classism and systemic racism while scolding everyone for everything is covert bigotry, but I see their dirty corners, and they disgust me. Unfortunately, they know everything, so rational discourse is impossible, and those dirty corners permanently stained their pseudo-solidarity persona.
Welp, that was cathartic. Thanks for helping me to articulate my feelings and express my thoughts. Congratulations on the break-up!