I haven't forgotten about you! I'm running around visiting family.
Basically, anyone who collects a specified number of signatures can run for an election, and I think it cost canidates $250. Campaign finance is regulated and I think campaigns are limited to 3 months or less.
If there are 30 parties/politicians we have to number our preferences from 1 - 30, and the politicians with the most 1s wins, but the politicians winning the 2 and 3 most votes negotiate with the politician winning the 1 slot because he/she must win by a specific number of votes. The compromising on initiatives facilitates a more balanced system.
Although two major parties hold a lot of seats, smaller parties always win seats, and it enables representatives for each district. For example, I have a green senator while the next district has a Reason Party member speaking for them.
If you want to email me, I can send you a photo I took of the ballot. cjanemone@gmail.com
I prefer this system to the US, but we need campaign finance reform and limited campaigning in the US. It's absurd only rich people have the money to represent the people and election campaigns are way tooooo long!