I don't have a TV and don't watch the news, but I know the mainstream media mislead the public. If Trump voters had received the same information as liberals, Biden would have won in a landslide.
We (Biden voters) insist Fox News spews garbage and our media isn't corrupt, yet media moguls own every network and broadcast channel, controlling the information we receive.
Everyone is exposed to disinformation, but I know the experts in the back rooms and our politicians work for the wealthy minority that funds them. I don't believe NATO and the 800 US military bases globally protect and defend people.
In Belgrade, Serbia, a bombed-out building and monument dedicated to the children and people killed by NATO and Clinton remains in the middle of the city. The bombs displaced and killed more people than the actual conflict. I didn't know this until I went to Serbia and then met the refugees forced to flee their wartorn country.
NATO intervened in a non-NATO member conflict and intensified the violence. Perhaps the US-NATO misjudged the situation, believing the attacks would end the brutality, but it repeated the tactics in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and numerous nations. All of these countries are in a worse position than before the interventions.
Historically, NATO caused more harm than good because the US defends and protects capital for the wealthy, and I'm doubtful anything has changed, but I hope I'm wrong.