I don't doubt Trump has a kissy-face for Putin, but the US started testing short range missiles directly after overturning the ban. Someone definitely wanted to play with the fun-guns and show them off.
China flat out stated it wouldn't get into an arms race, and then the US released a report claiming UFOs (only Americans spotted them) were in fact high-tech aircraft developed by China or Russia. Haha. Do you remember that? That's the moment I knew the US was looking for a fight, and the dumbass nuke powered sub deal with Australia shortly followed. It's been amusing and scary watching this shit build, but the US loves wars so it's not unusual.
We know Russiagate was propaganda and Trump is a giant piece of shit, but the CIA wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he conspired with Russia. As much as I hate Trump and his gross ass family, let's be realistic. Do you think the media is taking us for a ride? Like, step back, and take a look at the buildup.
The Right is annoyed because they want to battle China, while the neoconservatives (pro-war democrats like H. Clinton) are orgasming over this shit with Russia. Ha. It's the battle of the elites! Poor Ukrainians are the pawn. Ugh. The US really doesn't give a shit about life.