I could face-palm myself hundreds of times after reading your misinformed comment, and thanks for demonstrating you're better than Republican voters. However, both parties represent the oligarchs, and if you haven't noticed the disparities within the country that drive the collapse, open your eyes.
1. Clinton deregulated the financial market, but Enron began before the 90s, and Bush Senior deregulated the energy market. Kenneth Lay or "Kenny Boy" as the Bush's called him because they were close family friends, intentionally manipulated CA energy prices. When the CA state government tried to regulate prices because the state was almost bankrupted, Cheney ignored then prohibited the Fed Gov from regulating energy prices. We sat in the dark and endured rolling blackouts for a year while the state paid off the debt from the crisis in 2019. The accounting scandal was the cherry on top.
2. Thank you for informing me about the USD, but do you think the homeless families relying on food banks give a shit about the USD? Or the Americans living paycheck to paycheck paying unaffordable prices for food and fuel? You seem to believe, as long as the USD and GDP look good, everything is swell. Well, look at the reality in our streets and tell the misery the USD is fine, so you people should be happy.
3. An estimated 20% of votes went to Buchanan by mistake, but the Supreme Court of Florida ruled a recount was necessary because there was a counting malfunction. However, all votes had to be counted by a deadline, and the Brooks Brothers riots made sure the counting stopped.
I don't know what world you're living in, but Americans live in a nightmare, and the country has been spiralling downward for decades. If you take your eyes off the financial markets and look at the real value (the people), you'd see the mass inequality, escalating prices for basic needs, depressing lifestyles, mass shootings, hopelessness, and collapse of American society.