"I assume you have a house, food to eat, internet (obviously), electricity, indoor plumbing and access to covid shots. These are all things that you have received from our profit-driven system. So yes, you are receiving benefits from our profit-driven world".
These are socialist benefits. The US military created the internet, and the US government via public economic activities funded vaccinations, plumbing, electricity, and agriculture.
However, the profit-driven system is why the US mortality ranks 33 out of 36 among developed nations, has a declining life expectancy, and listed as the unhealthiest wealthy country.
You believe an economic system that forces humanity into debt or profit is the only method for progress, but humans are curious, adaptable, intelligent, and crave stimulation. We don't need forced labor to produce and it diminishes our quality of life. Look at society for the proof.
PS - famines are happening right now, and the rhetoric, we've lifted people out of poverty is an absolute belter of a lie. No, China lifted the Chinese out of poverty via trade and socialism because socialist policies are for the masses.