I agree with your statements, but I haven't experienced aggressive behavior. Every religion, culture, and nation has extremists, but they aren't the norm and don't represent the majority of the population. My Muslim friends and random interactions have always been kind, giving, and community-oriented.
The US government scares me more than anyone. Its ideology and objectives don't respect human rights or life and teach fear and hate. Americans don't share the government's sentiments, but the culture breeds extremists who conduct mass shootings. I have a few theories that involve the government's fearmongering rhetoric and failure to provide social benefits, but the US is an aggressive, threatening state that shapes my perspective.
The media manufactures a world that has never been my reality, and I'd be terrified of everything if I listened. Humanity is non-violent until threatened or seduced by power and greed, but there are a lot of dickheads! I'm kidding (kind of) and understand everyone encounters different experiences.